GCSE English Language
What is English Language?
GCSE English Language is a stand-alone qualification, separate from English Literature. It is a core subject, viewed as mandatory for most university applications and employment. During the course you will learn how to analyse a wide variety of written and spoken texts, including media texts, literary texts, and the spoken word. You will be taught how to make your own written expression more accurate and more effective in analytical, persuasive and creative writing.
What will I study?
The focus will be on improving your skills of analysis – including looking at media texts, spoken language and some literature – and developing your confidence as a user of written and spoken language. In most cases, the whole qualification will be covered in the year, so the pace is brisk but enjoyable.
Why should I study English?
English is a core subject, which helps you to develop your powers of self-expression, your reading and writing skills and your ability to think critically and analytically. It is a qualification that is essential for your future studies and for employment.
How is it assessed?
Extended Literary Text and Imaginative Writing. Controlled assessment: Section A: Extended Literary Text Response to one text (prose, drama, poetry or literary non-fiction) Section B: Imaginative WritingTwo linked continuous writing responses from a choice of Personal and Imaginative Writing and Prose Fiction.
Speaking and Listening - Graded separately on scale of 1 to 5 (low to high)Three practical activities: • a drama-focussed activity • a group activity • an individual extended contribution
Spoken Language. ontrolled Assessment: Written analysis of a spoken text. Information and Ideas60%Written exam: Section A : Non-Fiction and Media Responses to unseen authentic passages Section B: Writing Information and IdeasOne continuous writing response: candidates choose one task from a choice of two tasks.
What do I need?
The willingness to learn and to build a platform of accurate, analytical and expressive writing and speaking skills that will be invaluable for your future learning. It is always advisable that students engage in reading outside of lessons, whether fiction or non-fiction, so as to develop exposure to the written word and sophisticated forms of expression.
GCSE entry requirements
CRITERIA: ACADEMIC The minimum entry requirement is 5 passes at a school level equivalent to year 9 in the UK. The admissions staff at Blackwater Academy Birmingham will be more than happy to provide advice on the equivalence of international qualifications
ENTRY CRITERIA: STUDENT AGE – 14-15 ON ENTRY Students who are not 16 on the first day of the academic year (taken as September 1st) are classed as of ‘Compulsory School Age’. Such students will receive a higher level of supervision in school and in their living accommodation for the duration of the academic year.
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Has worked wonders for my son, he has become confident in his abilities across the curriculum
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